Weird Things Women Do After Breakup And Men Are Clueless

Sep 29th, 2018
Curtito Team

Being in a good relationship is a great feeling. It is when two people understand each other and share their life together. Same way break up is the worst feeling. Most of the time after break up, both of them will be sad and will go through an emotional roller coaster. If you have ever experienced a breakup, you will have an idea about that. But if you had never experienced it, you will have no idea. Women and men respond very differently to the breakup. Let us have a look at how women respond to a bad breakup.

1 Stalking

Most of the time, after break up, women will be curious what the man is doing. So she will start stalking in all possible way. Usually, women unfriend the man just after break up on all social media. But she tends to make other profiles and start to stalk the man.

2 Drunk Texts

Many people tend to drink a lot in such painful conditions. Women are of no exception. They will drink a lot of alcohol and even text him asking if they can go back to the relationship again.


3 Bad Mouthing

Some other women usually start talking bad things about the guy to everyone she sees. She will tell how bad he was treating her and list out all the flaws he had.

4 Writing Poetry

Some other women with some creative mind face the painful situation bit differently. They tend to write a lot about her painful feelings, breakup, and relationship.


5 Gets A Makeover

She doesn't want to look anything like the girl who dated him and wants him to rue the day he broke up with her after he sees how great she looks.

6 Trash Talk

Some other women go through an emotional and mental breakdown and start talking nonsense. Shell text him to tell him how much she misses him, but then blames him for everything.


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