10 Scientifically Proven Ways To Find Out If Your Partner Is Cheating On You
Often we are in a doubt or trouble how to check the loyalty of our partners. That is why here, we have some of the important facts that you might really want to see once.
1 Teachers have the tendency to cheat:
It has been proven by a lot of researches and studies that teachers have a general tendency to cheat in a relationship as compared to others.
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2 People with a previous history:
It has been proved very clearly that those who already have a history of cheating previously are more likely to cheat on you again and again.
3 More in the bedroom:
It has been scientifically proved that those who are cheating want it more in the bedroom.
4 Rock music fans cheat often:
well, it is sad but true that those who love rock music like anything have a tendency to cheat as compared to others. On the other hand, those who like rap music are loyal.
5 Wealthier men are the cheaters:
Those who are wealthier, they have a general tendency to cheat more often.
6 Poorer women are cheaters:
Science has proved many times that poorer women have a general tendency to cheat more often.
7 French are the main cheaters:
It has been found that French people are more likely to cheat on their partners.
8 Users of social media:
Those who use social media very much are more likely to cheat more often as compared to others.
9 Men who are taller:
Those men who are taller than 5’10’’ are more likely to cheat as compared to shorter men. Strange but true!
10 Ends with 9 means a cheater:
Those men whose age ends with 9, say 39, 49 etc are more likely to cheat as compare to others.