Some Of The Coolest Halloween Costumes I Found Today

Sep 21st, 2018
Curtito Team

Some of the coolest halloween costumes I found today. Some are inspiring, some are cute, some are scary. But all are amazing.

1. This man's wife is down with severe head injury due to an accident that happened 22 months ago. But that doesn't stop them from celebrating Halloween. Hope she will recover fully soon.


2. This girl did an amazing job with her make up skills.



3. These kids did a fantastic job too


4. This little girl got a cool costume too



5. This amazon prime guy !


6. This women turned her pregnancy announcement to little fun



7. This little guy got this amazing constume sewed by his mom


8. Lieutenant Commander Data



9. This women in the middle : All her co-workers dressed up like her.


10. This woman nailed it perfectly.



11. This guy showed up to the work in this costume.


12. This lil 1.5 year old Jon Snow



13. This high school librarian trying to scare some students today as Venom.


14. This girl dressed up like her co worker



15. 42-year-old Danica McKellar as Slave Leia


16. Selina Kyle, Catwoman's alter ego #meow



17. She turned her wheelchair into the Iron Throne for Halloween


18. This girl's costume she made after 5-days of work



19. This scary constume is a result of amazing skill of a makeup artist


20. Six packages of ramen later.


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