8 Things To Do To Make Your Kids Feel Loved

Oct 17th, 2018
Curtito Team

Laughing kid is where you can see your god. Making them happy and playful is not a difficult task for any parents provided if they are sincere enough to their kids’ love. A parent who dies for their kids loves really keep linearity in making their kid feel that he/she is always loved by them. The kids should be made to understand that he/she is loved very much by the people who they love. This is very much sensible than being affectionate. Few tips are listed for you to make the loved feel within your kid(s).

1. Play according to their rules

Playtime is necessary for them. Spare the time to get along with them. Allow them to frame the rules, and you should strictly follow their rules. They always abide by the rules, but you should not notice and insist those. The games might be chasing each other, hide and seek, football, whatever game they wish to play, just play with them. Kids have no demarcation; they always wish to do what they want.

2. Accept that you are defeated if they declare

When you play with them as said before, how the rules are framed by them, here is the same in the result. They will frame them, and who lost and who won will be declared by them. Allow it to happen. They always win, but you should lose. Sometimes, this way should be changed. Because make them lose and develop the sporty character within them. "Losing a game is not a big deal," this should be understood and accepted by them easily.


3. Cuddling, hugging and kissing is the key to the magic–make them feel loved

When kids are angry, they might - kick, bite, strike and so on - hurt you. Just a kiss with a hug will make them calm. If they show their fondness towards you, they will just hug and kiss you. So a big magic’s key lies within this hug and kiss. Morning cuddling will wake them up with brisk and feel your grace. The kids will understand how they are important in their parents’ life.

4. Include them as your partners in whatever work you do

Car washing, cooking, gardening, cleaning, bed making, watering, packing, organizing and so on, in all these include them as your partner. Partnering makes them confident and their growing time and scale are worth enough with some live learning. By this, they will come to know that what are all the works handled by you on a daily basis. For the long run, they will help in or share your work unknowingly. Responsibilities handling nature will be developed from the age of 2. Really kids care for you and everything.


5. Talk about how their day was

If you are an office going or the kid is school going, talk to him/her about your day and highlights of the day. From the toddler, whether they understand or not, just put some intro regarding your thought, perception and activity nature. For them, your talk is some blah-blah-blah. If you start, they will start telling their stories, which is important for any parents to know their kids through their own words. This will reveal your kids’ observation, perception and understanding nature. If not, ask them about their day, for eg., at home, what kind of activities was done by the kid. Make them utter enthusiastically by asking more questions related to that.

6. Surprise them with you surprising expressions

Give all the time different, surprising expressions whenever they do their best they can. This makes them feel you love them. On the other hand, your surprising expression will encourage them to do enjoyable activities more and more. This is a kind of inculcation to the kids which move them towards attempting higher. Whatever they do, you should not accept. This will encourage them to improvise their mischievous activity. Keep in mind, wrong is always wrong.


7. Request them to teach you

Naturally, they are teachers for us as they have no conditions on anything they go for. We should learn from them in a way. Ask to teach you if they attempt for any righteousness. Just pleasing them and seeking help is enough for any kid to understand that you are very much fond of his/her activity. Show them your learning interest from them is more. Your listening towards them will cause a matured growth within them.

8. Allow them to speak more

Even though it’s meaningless just allow them to speak more. Once speaking skill develops they will develop their imagination and observation skill. Allow them to do whatever they wish. This feels them more loving nature from parents. But still, there should be some boundaries for their physical safety. Emotionally they are better than any grown-ups. No parents should corrupt that intense nature.

Parents learn from your kids and allow them to be as they are. Core nature of the kid should not be disturbed; the parents should only preserve it. This is the utmost job given to any parents and correctly called parenting. Parents should make the kids understand that they always love their kids and they are their life.


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