8 Facts About Hickeys You Never Heard Before

Sep 17th, 2018
Curtito Team

Everyone has heard of the word Hickey, which is commonly known as a love bite which commonly happens during a make-out session. Many have felt the thrill of feeling great when given one of these, but not many seem to know much about what Hickeys are. So here is to broaden your knowledge.

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1 Sticking Around

Most hickeys will last for about two weeks before disappearing off your skin so don't panic if you feel like it should have gone after a few days.

2 A Love Injury

It may be known as a love bite, purely because your partner lovingly bites you, but it causes an injury on your body. What happens is a blood vessel is mostly popped because of the pressure on the skin, this is how a bruise is created.

3 How to help the Swelling?

There isn't a way to get rid of these marks completely, but the best way to at least reduce the swelling by putting ice on it for a few minutes which will keep the obviousness of the mark much less.

4 Iron Deficiency

Many people don't get enough iron in their bodies which makes you bruise extremely easily because then the blood particles break up easily and leave a lot of swelling.

5 Hard-core

As much as you might enjoy giving or receiving a hickey, always be careful that you do not overdo it. Else the hickeys will start to leave behind scars, which will never go away.

6 Time is all It takes

There are never easy ways to quickly fix a hickey. The more you try, the more obvious it becomes, so again be careful of who you can trust to give you a hickey.

7 Make or fake it

I will never know why people will want to do this, but if you use makeup in a certain way you can make fake hickeys on your body that look quite realistic. Maybe some people don't bruise or something, but who knows why someone will want to do this.

8 Covering up that Hickey

If you do have real Hickeys on your neck, the only way you can hide your Hickey is to wear a fashionable scarf. But I di recommend being extra careful during summer because that also tends to become quite evident that you are trying hardtop hide something, like a hickey!

9 Cool is the word

Now you know more about Hickeys, and most of all you learned the most valuable lesson Be careful on who gives you a Hickey, it is an injury after all, and you want too much damaged caused.

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