10 Genius Ways You Can Use hydrogen Peroxide You Did Not know Before
Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical which is used as an antiseptic, bleaching agent as well as an oxidizing agent. It is colorless, but it possesses a pale blue color in its pure form. Hydrogen peroxide is very easy to prepare and is considered to be a user – friendly chemical.
Hydrogen peroxide has many uses and benefits. You can read some of the uses below.
1. It helps in fighting skin infections
You can use Hydrogen peroxide as an antiseptic for treating various skin infections like rashes, burns, scrapes, etc. You can also use it for curing acne and other minor cuts in the skin.
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2. It helps in getting rid of stinky smells
Many times our refrigerators tend to emit out bad odor because they are left unclean for a long time. We can clean them by using hydrogen peroxide which would help in getting rid of the unwanted smells.
3. It can also be used as mouthwash
We can use hydrogen peroxide to rinse our mouth and gargle. Moreover, it also proves to be useful in the whitening of teeth.
4. It helps in removing pet urine
People having pets in their homes have a tough time cleaning their urine. Hydrogen peroxide is a great remedy for cleaning up pet urine from floors, mattresses, etc. We can mix hydrogen peroxide with a little bit of baking soda and a small tablespoon of dishwashing detergent and then rub it over the place where the pet has urinated. The area would look clean again after being dried out with a vacuum.
5. It is useful in the cleaning of floors
The easiest and affordable way to clean our floors is by making the use of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide can be mixed with hot water to clean floors.
6. It is useful in the cleaning of toys
Children, especially toddlers have the habit of putting the toys into their mouth while playing with them. So, we can clean their toys using hydrogen peroxide to ensure that they are disinfected and safe for the children to play.
7. It helps in getting rid of pests
Accumulation of pests in fruits, vegetables, and other plants is a common problem in every household. We can get rid of the pests by spraying water mixed with hydrogen peroxide on them.
8. It helps in cleansing our feet
Most of us tend to have various problems related to our feet, especially foot fungus. We can apply hydrogen peroxide on our feet to get rid of all the unwanted fungus and to regain their smoothness again.
9. It is helpful in cleansing our ears
Ears are one of the most sensible parts of our body and are frequently prone to getting dirty. We can use hydrogen peroxide to get rid of ear wax and unwanted clogging of our ears with dirt.
10. It can be used as a deodorant
Underarm odor is a serious issue which is faced by almost every individual. We can combine hydrogen peroxide with soap to clean our underarms and keep them fresh and odor – free for an extended period.
Thus, you can say hydrogen peroxide is an easy to use chemical which has a lot of unknown benefits and uses. This is the reason why, it is one of the best – known chemicals and is easily available in the market.