Lonely Japanese Women Are Now Hiring Hot Men To Sleep With Them For Over $800

Sep 2nd, 2018
Curtito Team

loneliness getting common for many women in Japan at old age. They are paying young and hot men who can sleep with them. These men even bring their own pajamas with them. Seems like weird ?

Lonely women who need a man to hold them while they sleep can rent one from a Japanese company that bills itself as an “accompanied sleep provider.”

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1 They are doing this through an organization licensed as the Sleep Provider

Tokyo-based Rose Sheep provides women with attractive men aged between 20 to 30 to keep them company while they sleep, according to RocketNews24. Called “sheep” by the company as a play on “counting sheep,” the men-for-rent will supposedly not have sex with clients, who are mostly working women in their 30s and 40s and older, but will provide cuddling, cooking and general companionship for a fee.

2 Usually men between age of 20 and 30 are preferred for this job

They cook, talk and give fraternity to ladies in return for a payment.

3 There are bundles: short sleep are for 20,000 yen while entire night are costlier

This is given by a Tokyo based organization called Rose Sheep

4 On the other hand, the package entirely says that snuggling or engaging in sexual relations is not permitted

The sheep will go to ladies homes any place near Tokyo.

5 In any case, if ladies from Japan need to contract them at some other spot, they can book them online

Would you like to be a part of such practice, if it were in your place ?

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