20 Images That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity

In this world of increasing violence, crimes, and natural disasters, it is easy to feel depressed about the humankind’s future. While we keep brooding over the latest news covering a gruesome crime, a political leader making a hate speech, or a deluge somewhere claiming thousands of lives, we miss the little acts of kindness that still exist all over the world. The 20 pictures that follow are a few of those acts that are bound to restore your faith in humanity.
1 Saving All God’s Children

When God created us equally, why should the animals of lesser intelligence suffer more from a natural disaster? This heart-warming picture of a man wading through flooded waters carrying kittens on his head is an answer to that question.
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2 Treasure Trove

When waters reach the level of non-survival in flood, it is easy to lose our human treasures. How glad do we feel when we find them? This picture shows one such treasure, a drenched and drowned deer cub, rescued patiently by a child, despite being himself almost wholly drowned.
3 Sharing at The Border

The ones who protect us at the border could do with a little bit of sharing and caring. This beautifully captured image shows a young girl handing over nameless flowers to a resting soldier.
4 When Food Comes with Innocence

Hunger and homelessness, when combined, are easy to snub and pass by in our busy lives. It takes the innocence of a child, as in the picture above, to place a food packet in the hands of someone ignored by most adults.
5 Children Always Know the Best

A two-year-old trying to help a statue rabbit get on to the platform with other statue rabbits (picture on the left) and a small girl trying to wipe off the tears of a person on the television (picture on the right) speak volumes about how children have their priorities right, even if as adults we have forgotten them.
6 Bare Foot, But Full Heart

How many pairs of shoes can you count in your closet today? Have you ever spared the shoeless people out there a thought? A pair here and there might make no difference to you, but an act of placing a pair of slippers onto feet that have been bare for ages surely lasts forever. The picture here illustrates this truth.
7 Man’s Best Friend Gets His Best Wrap

If it is cold enough for you, it is chilling for your dog, too. A man covered in layers of jackets and snowshoes in the above picture has kindly and perfectly demonstrated his love for the canine by wrapping him in a thick blanket.
8 Hunger Knows No Ability

Another heart-warming picture on how food is used to bond between people, any two people, irrespective of their nationalities, color of skin, or the ability to use their hands.
9 Love Blooms Everywhere

Love can be expressed anywhere, by anyone, to anyone. It does not require a fancy bouquet of red roses, if your heart is pure, a bunch of random wildflowers is enough.
10 Fathers!

Need we say more? The sacrifices of a father for the well-being of his child are countless. He even offers the entire umbrella to his son, while getting completely drenched himself, as in this wonderful picture.
11 Innocent Soul’s Passing

They say angels cry when babies dry. Sometimes angels come down from heaven, in the form of rescue operators, and shed genuine tears over the body of an innocent victim of human hatred.
12 A Helping Hand

A para-athlete offering a bottle of water to a fellow para-athlete is sure to melt your heart, and if it does not, nothing else will. Regardless of whether she won the race, it is safe to say from this picture that she would have won a million hearts through this gesture.
13 Won’t Let You Drown

An elderly woman being carried carefully by a flood rescue operator is one of the warmest pictures out there. He waded through waist-deep water but did not allow even her ankles to touch the surface.
14 Things That We Take for Granted

One of the basic amenities that we take for granted is the ability to charge our phones as needed. Well, some others are less fortunate, and often find areas they are traveling through lacking in charging outlets. This is a widely underrated help provided by a fellow citizen in this picture.
15 Man-Animal Conflict No More

The last male, white rhinoceros might have perished, but there are others who are equally endangered. These beasts are being protected by our armed personnel while the rhino grazes away happily. Think twice before poaching; there are guardian-angels everywhere.
16 Score!

This uplifting photograph of a child playing football with prosthetic legs is proof that no obstacle is big enough when you have your eyes on the goal.
17 Music Heals All

In a war-torn forest, a solitary soldier tries his hands on a piano. Hands that are strong enough to fire a gun are also mellow enough to play soul-soothing music.
18 A Precious Drop of Water

Another example of innocence serving the needy, this picture shows a schoolgirl filling the bottle of water for an aged couple, from her own. Many have attended schools, but how many of them have learned? Here is a child who has.
19 Pause in Your Busy Life

A jolly man distributes flowers to his fellow passengers in a crowded train full of busy people. Are you pausing, and breathing in the fresh aroma already?
20 Riding Together

A dog might lay down his life in service of humans, but this little child on the bike helps you understand how the friendship with a dog is a mutual feeling. He does not leave his friend behind, but carries him along on his bike, just as he would if he had been a human friend.
21 Strings That Bind Us Together

Life on this planet is short for everyone, so let us forget the differences and find these thin but strong strings of kindness that bind us together as human beings. The next time you see a homeless person, be kind instead of walking away. Rewards for such acts of kindness come with no monetary benefits, but with genuine feelings of trust, friendship, and humanity.