Hidden Camera Catches Maid Pouring Urine Into Her Boss’s Juice

Sep 8th, 2018
Curtito Team

How much trust do you have in your maid? If you answer that you trust her completely, then this post will probably change your opinion on this matter. You will realize why you need to check on your maid from time to time to ensure that everything is fine.

A family from Kuwait hired a maid, and they soon started having doubts about her. Hence, they set up a hidden camera to capture what she does in the kitchen. After they checked the footage from the camera, they were speechless because they could have never imagined that the maid would do such a horrendous thing.

Read on to know what was discovered in the footage.

1 The maid

This shocking incident will blow your mind and will force you to think twice before appointing a maid at your home. This bizarre video has gone viral where a young maid working in a Kuwaiti household was caught in camera adding her urine into the family's orange juice just before serving them for their breakfast.

2 She is very patient.

The camera captured two women doing their daily chorus and one of the prepared drink.


3 What is she adding?

Once the other maid left the kitchen to do something else, that maid took a cup which was probably filled with urine since it was under her pants, and then pours it into the juice. That is disgusting!

4 How did the owner react?

As expected, she was immediately fired for carrying out such disgusting actions which put the entire family's health at risk. The family didn't want to reveal their identities, but they have shared these images so that other people become more careful before trusting their maids blindly.

This is actually a warning for other people to be cautious about their maid's behavior.


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